
Sunday, August 31, 2003

I have for long held the opinion that man is made up of contradictions. Some one once exclaimed that integrity is when what you think, speak and do are the same things. If this is so then I have been without integrity for about as long as I can remember. Instead I find that the natural state to which I eventually arrive is one where not only are what I think, speak and do completely in contradiction with one another but each activity in isolation is in itself hopelessly at war within. In other words if you were to observe my thinking you would find that each thought is more or less in complete contradiction vis a vis its predecessor.

There's a song titled With or Without You by the rock band U2 where the singer claims that he cannot live with or without the person about whom he is singing. Now there is a formula for self-destruction where the only possible outcome is death. Left to ourselves I am beginning to believe that eventually we would all just drive ourselves crazy and die.

I think there is a flaw in the natural intelligence programmed by the master coder or perhaps it was deliberate. I think a self-destruction routine was quietly inserted by the maker just before releasing the final build.

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Thursday, August 28, 2003

Have you noticed how on some days nothing appears to work? How there is this thing that you desperately want to do but circumstances mysteriously arise that enable you to do everything but that? What do you do when you are in the middle of one such day? You stop and contemplate on how idiotic it is to classify days into being ones on which nothing appears to work and ones on which everything works. Hmm. Perhaps it is in fulfilment of our need to rationalise events in the face of problems that appear to be beyond us. Perhaps!
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Wednesday, August 27, 2003

What do you do when a perpetual melancholy appears to have taken possession of your emotions? When every thought proceeds shrouded in a cloud of gloom? When death appears a far more inviting prospect than life?

Go to the bloody shrink! You are dangerously depressed!
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Sleep deprivation is a terrible thing! Every waking hour must be paid for with a proportionate amount of sleep. Otherwise you face the consequences the next day. The day is only half through and I am more than half asleep!

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Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Another day meanders its way to a close. Another day. Tomorrow will be a day like this one. Another day. Spent writing code. Spent.
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